How to Take Oil of Oregano

🟢 1. Start Slow – The Introduction Phase

If this is your first time using Oil of Oregano, we recommend beginning with just one softgel per day.

Take it with food to improve absorption and minimize any potential stomach sensitivity.

This allows you to see how your body responds, as some people may need a gentler introduction.

🔄 2. Building Tolerance – Adjust if Needed

If after a few days you feel comfortable and experience no sensitivity or discomfort, you may gradually increase your intake to a maximum of two softgels per day (one in the morning and one in the evening).

Always listen to your body—if one per day works well for you, there's no need to take more.

📆 3. How Often to Take It – Daily or As Needed

You have two safe options for taking Oil of Oregano:

Option A – Cyclical Use:

Take it daily for 30 days, then take a break for at least 2 weeks before starting another cycle.
This helps your body reset and ensures maximum effectiveness.

Option B – As Needed:

Use it only when you feel it's necessary, such as during seasonal changes or moments of immune stress.

⚠️ Important Notes

Not recommended for children or during pregnancy without medical supervision.

Always consult your healthcare provider if you’re on medications or have underlying conditions.

If you ever need more guidance, we’re always happy to help! 😊
Emily from Balanced Customer Support