
We are proud to offer free shipping on all orders!

  • National Shipments (USA): 7-15 working days approximately - 
  • International Shipments: Approximately 20-38 business days -

All orders are shipped from our factories within 3 to 15 working days.

-Cancellation: Orders can be cancelled within 24 hours, within working days, after placing the order. 

-Shipping Premium Express ( Anti-Lost and Theft Insurance ): Priority processing at the factory. Insurance against any type of unforeseen event: theft, loss, damage due to shipping...

-Packages are not processed or transported on weekends and local holidays.

-Please note that the estimated delivery times are approximate and may vary due to external factors, beyond Alluream's control and the delivery service.

These factors may include, but are not limited to: extreme weather conditions, technical failures, delays at customs, etc..

-Also, keep in mind that during promotional campaign periods, delivery times may be longer than usual.

*You may receive your tracking code (along with shipping confirmation) in more than 2 days. This does not mean that your order has just been sent. It simply means that the tracking number has just been activated.

Buyer is responsible for customs and extra customization issues.